Hubert Schmidt
Comparison of the Rates of Polypropylene Fibre Degradation Caused by Artificial Light and Sunlight
Affilation: Textile Research Institute, Łódź, Poland
All authors: Schmidt Hubert, Witkowska Beata, Kamińska Irena, Twarowska-Schmidt Krystyna, Wierus Krystyna, Puchowicz Dorota
TiO2/Ag modified carpet fibres for the reduction of nicotine exposure
Affilation: Textile Research Institute, Łódź, Poland
All authors: Cieślak Małgorzata, Schmidt Hubert, Świercz Radosław , Wąsowicz Wojciech
Affilation: Institute of Textile Materials Engineering, Łódź, Poland
All authors: Brzeziński Stefan, Malinowska Grażyna, Nowak Teresa, Schmidt Hubert, Marcinkowska Danuta, Brzeziński Stefan, Kaleta Agnieszka